26 Jan 2016

24 Jan 2016

On MA & space-time and more

Thank you for the inspiring and interactive discussions on  work in progress on Friday from those present. Pics from the day HERE (We missed the rest, and their work(s) on studio wall / tables). It was possible to discern some quite distinct topics, i.e liminalliminalityity / islands , "fargo" / forensic science, levels / POV, periphery / center…that one might want to explore further… We had many interesting side-way, oblique approaches to the topic of remote and habitation during the discussions … (Moomins, Las Vegas, Holl, emptiness, forensic science, scales, movements and much more)

Above are some illustrations to some topics discussed: The japanese (eastern) concept of MA - space time… Here is alink to the exhibition catalogue from Isozaki's exhibition in NY. Also, a short text from Calvino (OuLiPo) on how to observe, and an illustration from Steven Holl's Milano project

On the next post tomorrow expect some more precise details as to the work to be produced for the review on Friday… Models from the general topography at Dale (pocket size or a bit larger are still missing! )

Otherwise: Remember the course expects continuous participation !  See the last two sentences in the document "Learning Outcome"