10 Feb 2016

on memory and other places

“I never saw this strange dwelling again. Indeed, as I see it now, the way it appeared to my child’s eye, it is not a building, but it is quite dissolved and distributed inside me: here one room, there another, and here a bit of corridor which,however, does not connect to the two rooms, but is conserved in me in fragmentary from. Thus the whole thing is scattered about inside me, the rooms, the stairs that descended with such ceremonious slowness, others narrow cages that mounted in a spiral movement, in the darkness of which we advanced like the blood in our veins.”
Rainer Maria Rilke - Notebook of Malte Laurids Brigge

“I was there" Architectural speculations on a farmhouse in Sognefjorden was the title from Hanne Kristine Kroken Finseth's diploma project at BAS in 2013. You can view some of it here and here  or at the BAS website here.

9 Feb 2016

on taking out instead of filling in

Most clients tend to ask for extra spaces when re-building. Unfortunately that often ends up with clutters of new "rooms" for various purposes. Few have the talent and the courage to take out "rooms" from a house. Here are two excellent examples of the simple grandeur of MA infill - that we, hopefully, will have on our programme for the cource's study tour.
Both houses retain, for different reasons, the original shape of the former building, while transforming it to something radically new, while at the same time remaining compationate for their contexts. For more info on the at Studio  Bardill and the Yellow House by Valerio Olgiati click on the links to know more about how "nothing"  often is more.

images from Dale trip #1

Here are links to some of the image folders received so far. Please send in the rest asap, best on a drpbox folder with individual link from your personal account. (Google sharing accounts and dropbox shared accounts do not maintain their links, so those would be lost in the blog). Received Pics from: Preben, Aki, Matyas, Kirsten, Yonghyun ,

on-line DALE Subjective Atlases

Thank you for uploading your DALE space and context / subjective atlases.
Most (but not all) have been reworked since the reviews. Click on the following names to acsess the material for inspiration and common information on work in progress. Florian, Aki, Søndre, David, David#2, Nele, Preben, Kirsten, Luise, Ling, Yonghyung  ,Chris, Matyas, Lena, Mira ; Missing as of 09.02: Thomas, Paul,Mickey,Stefanie,;

7 Feb 2016

charrette ! monday tuesday wednesday :-)

As promissed below is the brief for the short charrette. The model material might be somewhat rough, yet precise and in scale. The other architectural material, i.e drawings and texts follow same procedures as the two previous exercises, but should be more "tight" i.e more text and drawings on all pages. Use model photographs in various ways to explore spatial configurations.  Read brief carefully. ENJOY . 
Attached is a quick scann as running .pdf of the brochure "Dale Kulturvandringer". Click here to download.
NB: As announced earlier, we do accept more loose deadlines and delays for the participants with kids / babies. :-)